2023 Code of Good Practice for BIFF Member Festivals
BIFF's Code of Good Practice which all BIFF festivals should adhere to when operating their festivals.
2023 Festivals Council Contact Details
Contact details for the Festival Representatives and Deputies in your region (available to Members only).
2024 Code of Practice - Effective Adjudication
This Code of Practice sets down the principles associated with effective adjudication. The points listed are the agreed guidelines for effective adjudication which are regularly reviewed by your elected Adjudicators Council. Last update November 2023.
2024 Recommended Fees, Expenses, Terms & Conditions for Adjudicators and Accompanists
This document provides the up-to-date recommended fees, expenses, terms and conditions to be used when engaging BIFF adjudicators and accompanists at BIFF festivals
A Festival Organiser's Diary
An overview to help to plan and organise your festival year.
Adjudicating at international festivals
The documents provides some practical guidance to adjudicators who are planning to work at international festivals.
Adjudicating at International Festivals
A guide to working at international festivals.
Adjudicating Bowed Strings
Adjudicating other instruments
Adjudicating Composition Classes
Adjudicating other instruments.
Adjudicating Electronic Keyboard
Adjudicating other instruments
Adjudicating the Classical Guitar
Adjudicating other instruments.
Adjudicator Mark Sheet Template
Template mark sheet for use by Adjudicators at BIFF festivals.
Adjudicator Mark Sheet Template - New Marking scheme
This is a template for the new marking scheme for use by our festivals.
Adjudicator Mark Sheet Template - New Marking scheme - Bands only
This is a template for the new marking scheme for use by our festivals who wish to use bands only without marks.
Advice for Festival DBS Officers
This document provides advice to festival DBS officers who are responsible for arranging DBS checks for their festival volunteers.
Advice to Adjudicators
A useful guidance document to advise adjudicators of key considerations when working at festivals.
Advising your Adjudicator
A guide to keeping your chosen adjudicator informed about your festival and any specific requirements you may have.
ALCS Template
This is the template to record information about performance of poetry and prose for the ALCS license.
All England Dance Genre Descriptors
An overview of All England Dance Genre Descriptors, revised in 2022.
Backing Tracks - Guidelines and Recommendations
Guidelines and recommendations for the use of backing tracks at festivals.
BIFF Brand Guidlines
A document advising how to use BIFF branding in your festival documents.
BIFF Brand Identity Guidelines
A document outlining how the logo, associated icons and strap-line should be used in any marketing materials.
BIFF Centenary Logo
A logo produced to celebrate BIFF's Centenary Year.
BIFF Complaints Policy & Procedure
The Complaints Policy and Procedure was developed to explain our approach to complaints to clearly outline each stage of the process.
BIFF Logo Black
BIFF logo in black including Perform, Educate, Inspire line for those wanting to print in black and white
BIFF Logo Colour with line
The BIFF logo in full colour with the Perform, Educate, Inspire line
BIFF Logo with icons
A colour BIFF logo which includes the music, dance and speech icons, for use in materials
BIFF Organisational Restructure Proposal 2024/2025
The Board of Trustees must ensure that BIFF has an organisational structure which can meet the current and future needs of the organisation. The proposals outlined in this document seek to ensure that our organisation remains relevant, informed, adaptable and financially viable. The proposals aim to ensure that we can continue to grow our membership in a sustainable way and offer outstanding support, advice and guidance to all our members.
BIFF Privacy Policy
BIFF's Privacy Policy outlining how we process personal data.
Child Licensing and BOPAs
This document provides an accessible overview of the legislation behind child licensing requirements and key information about Body of Persons Approvals (BOPAs) which can be granted by Local Authorities.