
Downloadable resources are accessible to members only. The resources listed here only offer a preview of the documents we offer. If you are already a member, please login to access this content. If you are interested in becoming a member, click here.

S&D Session - Poetry Recommendations - Rebecca Vines

“Time gallops withal” This interactive session looked at how to retain standards and expectations in the modern world. This session explored: • Hip hop, rap and performance poetry in the syllabus. • Post- 2000 poets and playwrights. • What makes a good adjudicator: best practice refresher. • Bums on seats: keeping Shakespeare relevant in the digital age.

S&D Session - Protected Characteristics - Rebecca Vines

“Time gallops withal” This interactive session looked at how to retain standards and expectations in the modern world. This session explored: • Hip hop, rap and performance poetry in the syllabus. • Post- 2000 poets and playwrights. • What makes a good adjudicator: best practice refresher. • Bums on seats: keeping Shakespeare relevant in the digital age.

S&D Session - Pub Quiz - Rebecca Vines

“Time gallops withal” This interactive session looked at how to retain standards and expectations in the modern world. This session explored: • Hip hop, rap and performance poetry in the syllabus. • Post- 2000 poets and playwrights. • What makes a good adjudicator: best practice refresher. • Bums on seats: keeping Shakespeare relevant in the digital age.

Social Media - Chris Blurton

Chris Blurton, BIFF Vice Chair, explores the need for adjudicators and festivals to create a new culture around the use of social media as a marketing tool.

Social Media Best Practices - Sophia Melvin

Sophie Melvin, Head of Marketing & PR at Kode production studio outlined how to use social media and other technology more effectively to promote the festival movement and to increase visibility. This session included a look at safeguarding issues in relation to social media and filming, how adjudicators tackle self-promotion online and how to raise the visibility of BIFF as an organisation.

Social Media Posters

To help us to increase the visibility of BIFF on social media, we have created three posters for festivals to use in their festival programmes and share on social media, should you wish to do so.

Sri Lanka - Recommended Fees, Terms and Conditions

This document provides our recommended Fees, Terms and Conditions for use when working at our member festivals in Sri Lanka.

Successful approaches to fundraising, sponsorship and strategic partnerships - Annette Brown

Successful approaches in relation to fundraising, sponsorship and creating effective partnerships.

Template Privacy Notice

A template for a Privacy Notice which can be used as a guide when putting together a Privacy Notice for your festival.

The Adjudicator at the Festival

A guide to working with your adjudicator during your festival sessions.

Timing for Festival Classes - Information Sheet

Suggested timings for classes, including the guidance for the timing for Dance classes issued by All England Dance.

Undertakings by BIFF Adjudicators and Accompanists 2023

This is a list of BIFF festivals undertaken in 2023 as notified to us by Adjudicator and Accompanist members. Non-BIFF festivals will not appear on this list. Some members may not have adjudicated in 2023. This may be due to other professional commitments or to personal circumstances.

Volunteers & Recruitment

Presentation given an insight into who volunteers, how they volunteer, why they volunteer, how to create appealing volunteer opportunities and recruit new volunteers.

Who needs a DBS check?

A guide for Festival DBS officers to help them to decide which volunteers require a DBS check.